Bread, jam and a river view at Royal William Yard in Plymouth

Plymouth’s Royal William Yard is a Grade I-listed 19th century naval provisions depot, now home to a variety of bars and cafes, including Hugh Fearnley- Whittingstall’s River Cottage Canteen. Tucked away in the Stonehouse area of the city, it’s definitely worth a special visit. The impressive buildings remind you of Plymouth’s significant naval history and the views over the Tamar to ‘God’s country’ (Cornwall) are fantastic.
I could sit and watch the river traffic all day from morning coffee to evening apperetif. River Cottage is an obvious draw with Hugh failing to disappoint with interesting and seasonal, good value food.
Just next door, The Royal William Bakery is a favourite of mine. I like the informal self-service arrangement with as much fresh bread and jam as you can eat for just £2.50. Lunch is always a delight with a veggie option and cakes bigger than I have ever seen! They work an honesty policy and you simply pay for what you’ve eaten as you leave.